Kaivosmiehenpolku 3, 83500 Outokumpu, Finland 



Welcome to Outokumpu and the Old Mine Residency!

Congratulations and warmly welcome to our Residence house! We hope you will have a rewarding period here! 

Contact information:

At any point, if you have questions about your stay, please contact Esko or Jukka:

Esko Vihava, head of cultural services, tel.  +358 44 7559 299

Jukka Orenius, head of welfare services, tel. +358 44 7559 240

If you have any questions about the Residence building, please contact 24/7 the caretaker in charge, tel.  +358 50 5677 288

In an emergency, please call the general emergency number 112


What to do before your residence period:

Please contact Esko or Jukka to inform them about your arrival date and time.

How to get to Outokumpu?

By car: From Helsinki, about 5 hours

By public transport, several options:

  • Fly from Helsinki to Joensuu, and then take a bus from Joensuu to Outokumpu, or
  • take a train or bus to Joensuu or Kuopio, and then a bus to Outokumpu

Check timetables & book tickets:

Flights:  FinnairSkyscanner

Trains:  VR (National Rail) website

Buses: Matkahuolto (bus services) website

How to get to the Residence house:

  • A few days before your arrival, contact Esko or Jukka for details on where and when to meet them
  • If you arrive by bus, get off at the bus stop near the Town Hall (Kaupungintalo). Walk for 10-15 minutes from the bus stop to the Old Mine Info.
  • The Residence House is located 50 meters from the Old Mine Info building.
  • On Google Map the Residence House is indicated as Vanhan Kaivoksen residenssi.


At any point, contact Esko or Jukka

Residence guestbook

Please add information about your visit in our digital guestbook!

For us, other visitors and local Outokumpu residents, it is important to know who you are and what your project is about during your residency.

Access the guestbook here

(one entry per group/individual visitor please)

Facilities and services in the Residence House:

Ground floor:

  • Two bedrooms (1 & 2)
  • Public workroom / living room
  • Shower
  • Toilets
  • Washing machine and drying room

Second floor:

  • Two bedrooms (3 & 4)
  • Public workroom / living room
  • A small office
  • Toilet
  • Kitchen

There is also an attic, but it is not in use.

Air conditioning

There is no air conditioning in the Residence house.

If it gets too hot, you can of course cool your room down by opening the window. Please note, however, that in the summer, there may be mosquitos. Some rooms have wire frames that you can install in the windows to prevent the mosquitos from getting in.

If it gets too cold (hope it won’t happen…), there is radiator under every window. To raise the temperature, turn the radiator valve clockwise. You can also close the air-valve on the windowsill. There are also a few extra electric heaters in the drying room – feel free to take one to any room.

Barbecue pit

In front of the Residence house, there is a barbecue pit and firewood. You are welcome to use it, but please note that other visitors or locals can also use it.


In the hallway, there are two bikes that you can borrow. The bicycle keys, the bicycle lights and their chargers can be found in one of the kitchen cabinets.

You do not need to lock the bikes when they are in the hallway. However, when you park your bike outside a shop, for example, you should lock it.

If you ride your bike after sundown, you also need to have the bike light on. If you don’t have it, you may get a fine.

After your ride, please return the bikes, keys and lights in the same place where you got them.


The public areas and bathrooms in the house are cleaned every Monday.

The guests need to clean their own bedroom and the kitchen. As a courtesy to the next occupant, please take out the trash at least when leaving the premises.

Electric fuses

There are automatic fuses both downstairs and upstairs. If a fuse blows, just switch it back on again.


The kitchen has basic household kitchen appliances (refrigerator, freezer, stove, dishwasher, coffeemaker, toaster, microwave) and kitchenware.

Please open the water tap before starting the dishwasher

Portable speakers/ Data projector/ Yoga mats

There are portable speakers, a projector and  yoga mats (two) in the downstairs living area. If you borrow them, please make sure to return them immediately after use.


There is a sauna in the basement of the Old Mine Info building. You can freely use it after 4pm during weekdays, and all day during weekends.

Please note that you need to switch the sauna stove on about an hour before going in. The switch for the stove is on the dressing room wall.

Also make sure that you lock the main door of the Old Mine Info building after having your sauna. Ask for advice if need be.

The key to the sauna is on the downstairs notice board in the Residence house. Please return it to same place after your sauna.

Towels and sheets

You find sheets and towels in the closet in the downstairs hall. If you use the house sheets and towels, please wash them before you leave. You can leave them to dry in the laundry room downstairs.

Washing machine with drying

There is a washing machine on the ground floor. The instruction manual is on top of it.


Please sort out your waste (organic waste, paper, plastic, cardboard, metal, glass, batteries) in the containers below the kitchen sink.

By the kitchen sink you find a chart showing where to take different types of waste.

  • Take mixed waste to the big green containers behind the house.
  • Organic waste can be taken to a container by the red-brick house below the Residence house. It is also possible to put organic waste in the mixed waste container.
  • Most bottles and cans can be taken back to the local K-market and S-market. When returning them, you get a receipt which you can give to check-out person in the shop.
  • Old batteries can be left in a box in the K-market or S-market
  • Metal, plastic, and glass waste need to be taken to a “waste center” (large green containers) about 500 meters from the residence house, next to the bus station, on the left side of the road. See the chart on the kitchen wall for more details.


There is a free Wi-Fi in the Residence House, the Kiisu Theatre, and the Cultural Centre Marita. The password can be found on the second-floor notice board.

Old Mine area

You can also visit and/or use buildings or tunnels in the Old Mine area. For that, you need a mining pass. You can get your pass from the Old Mine Info when it is open.

Opening times of the Old Mine area:

January 1 to May 31:  from 10am to 3pm (tunnel and museum)

June 1 to August 31: from 10am to 5pm (the whole mine area)

September 1 to December 31:  from 10am to 3pm (tunnel and museum)

Please note that in the winter, snow is cleared only in the museum area, and you may need sturdy and warm boots to wade in the snow elsewhere.

More information about Old Mine area.

The Kiisu theatre

You can use the Kiisu theatre during your residence period when it is available.

Please check the available times from the Kalenteri – Oudonkummun Sirkus and the Kiisu theatre notice board. During the day between 8 and 16, it is usually free. If you need audio equipment for the Kiisu theatre, you can take with you the portable speaker from the residence house.

The keys can be obtained from the Old Mine Info near the residence.

The alarm system of the theatre is located  next to the entrance. Turn off the alarm as soon as you enter and switch the alarm back on when you exit. You’ll get the alarm code with the keys.

Keep the premises clean and do not leave any of your belongings on the stage, as other people also use the space.

To avoid a mouse infestation, please don’t leave any food lying on the tables in the theatre. If you leave it there overnight, put it in the refrigerator. When your residence period is over, make sure you do not leave any food in Kiisu!

Marita Cultural Center

Is located in the center of Outokumpu. Marita’s stage is 45 m². The room has extensive PA and lighting equipment. There are 143 seats. Marita has a small kitchen. Link (only finnish).


Is 205 m². In the middle of the space there is an open fireplace. Because Karbidi is 10 metres underground, internet access is not possible and telephone networks don’t work.

Kiisu Hall

Is located in the old pyrite drying house. Kiisuhalli is 17 metres high and nearly 1000 m² in size, and the acoustics of the space are evidenced by a six-second echo. There is no heating in the space.

Other Old Mine premises

The Museum Tunnels, Crushing Room, Mine Tower, Filter Department, Jauhimo Grinding Room, Chapel and Hoisting Room are open to artists. There is no heating, so the premises are cold in the winter.

Services and shops in Outokumpu

Health centre and pharmacy

The health centre (“Terveysasema”) is located two hundred meters from the Residence house, on Sairaalankatu 8.  It is the big white building on the right side of the street. For more details, see their website

The health centre is open from 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday. From 4pm to 8am and during weekends, the nearest health centre is in the city of Joensuu.

In case of an emergency, call 112.

The pharmacy (“Apteekki”) in located on Koulukatu 2.

Restaurants and cafes

Restaurants in Outokumpu:

  • Kumpu (Asemakatu 1), a typical Finnish lunch restaurant (and a hotel)
  • Cafe Kumpu (Asemakatu 1), café and bakery
  • Kosilkka (Kummunkatu 2), café and bakery
  • Metsähovi (Kummunkatu 14)
  • Pizzeria La Milano (Kummunkatu 11), pizzas and kebabs
  • Pizza Posti (Kummunkatu 24), pizzas and kebabs

All the restaurants are on the main street (Kummunkatu).

Shops and banks


Outokumpu has two banks: Osuuspankki and S-pankki (in S-market)

Grocery stores, S-market and K-market

Both grocery stores are located on Kummunkatu. They also sell beer and low-alcohol wines


The post office (Posti) is in the S-market

Petrol stations

ABC petrol station is at the end of Kummunkatu (near the roundabout).  It also sells some basic groceries. It is open from 6 am until 9 pm.  St1 petrol station is on Kuusjärventie (near the entrance to the golf course).

Wine and liquor store ALKO

Stronger wines and liquor can be purchased only from ALKO which is in same building as K-market.

Places to visit in Outokumpu

Cultural House Marita (Kulttuuritalo Marita, Koulukatu 1). Concerts, performances, cinema. For more information, please check their Facebook page.

City library (Outokummun kirjasto, Koulukatu 7). Reading space, exhibitions

Outokumpu nature and wilderness park (Erä- ja luontokeskus Särkiselkä), 7 km from the Residence house. There is a nice canoe route and walking path in the park.

Beach in Särkiselkä, 5 km from the Residence house. It is a perfect trip to do by bike because there is a bike path for the whole way.

Sauna and swimming in an ice hole, in the Kolmikanta Camping Centre, 5km from residence house (Rikkarannantie 51). Open during the winter on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 6pm to 8pm. Entrance fee 3-5 € (cash only; no change).

The swimming hall with a sauna (Uimahalli, Outolamminkatu 1). Open from Monday to Friday from 2.30pm to 7.30pm, and on Saturdays from 11am to 5pm.

More information about the Outokumpu town here.